
IT Staffing Services

Insert V Recruiting Process: Unlike other IT Services firms that simply retrieving resumes from Internet jobsites, like, and submitting them to clients for consideration, our path of recruiting may expedite the process, it places an undue burden on clients to perform screening that should already have been done. At Insert V, our clients benefit from a consistently applied set of recruiting best practices that we refer a rigorous process that consists of four distinct phases - Qualifying, In-Person Interviewing, Information Verification and Technical Screening - that are designed to ensure that all personnel hired by us have the education, experience, dedication, and professionalism needed to provide high quality and reliable services to our clients.

Qualifying: In this Phase, our recruiters start gaining a thorough understanding of client’s specific needs, including technical and non-technical skills, experience and expected performance results. Then, using targeted recruiting strategies that have been developed for each search, they source our vast internal candidate database as well as their own candidate networks and national and regional job boards. Once potential candidates have been identified, they are contacted and pre-screened to determine which ones best match the criteria established by the client.

In-Person Interviewing: During this phase, qualified candidates are interviewed in-person by our Technical Staff Recruiter. The prospective candidate is screened for professionalism, communication skills and educational credentials. The Staff Recruiter also develops a complete review of the prospective candidate's technical skills and discusses the prospective candidate's work experience in depth. Additionally, the Staff Recruiter obtains at least two/three supervisory references from the prospective candidate, which will later be used to verify employment history, as well as technical competence, quality of his/her work, reliability and attitude as well.

Information Verification: This phase is specially designed to verify that the information provided by the prospective candidate is valid. During the Information Verification Phase, the Staff Recruiter performs at least two employment checks, verifies educational credentials by contacting the issuing institutions, and coordinates any required credit history, criminal background.

Technical Screening & Negotiations: Finally, the candidate will be examined on various aspects of technical skill level, knowledge and competence. During the Technical Screening process, senior members of our Recruiting team will carefully observe the candidate’s potentiality. During the technical interview, specific and detailed technical questions are presented to the prospective candidates that are designed to gauge the skill level of the candidate. The Negotiations phase is especially designed for the Experienced candidates, where pre-joining formalities like notice periods and salary package discussions.

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Process Consulting

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Information Security

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